
Oca Links

Oca cultural details:-
Down the Plot. Good notes on cultural requirements and various growing methods for the UK.
Plants For A Future, Oca page. Full description of crop characteristics, uses, cultivation details etc.
Lost Crops of the Incas: ... Landmark publication on Andean tubers. Section on Oca readable online.
The Vegetable Garden, Oca page. Good notes on growing oca. Fine photos. Belgium. Notes on oca growing experience, UK.
Wikipedia, oca. Basic information., Oca page.  Basic cultural information. U.S.
Love Plant Life Blog. Basic details of growing in N.Z.
Tubers from the Andes: Extinction or Propagation. Background information
Appropedia, Oca page. Background information

Sources of oca seed tubers:-
Real Seeds. UK supplier of oca tubers and unusual vegetable seed.
CarpeDiem Tuber exchange. Germany. International register of private individuals with tubers for exchange.
Ecofarm. Ireland, supplier of tubers.
Seeds of Change. US supplier.

Oca Breeding:-
Radix. Extensive UK blog focused on unusual tuber crops. Detailed information on crossing oca varieties, and saving oca seed. This link will take you to a post on oca pollination, but there are several other relevant posts.
Real Seeds, Newsletter 2008. Short notes on breeding from seed, and selecting from tuber mutations.

Oca technical resources:-
New Crop Resource Online, Purdue University. US source, with basic overview of the crop from a scientific viewpoint.
Centro International de la Papa (International Potato Center), Andean tuber crop page.
Compositional Changes of Oca Tubers Following Postharvest Exposure to Sunlight. (M.Hermann & C Erazo) Research paper

Cooking and Eating Oca:-
Chioca Registered trade name for Oca (!), Exotic Farm Produce Ltd. Lots of recipe suggestions.
Nutrient Analysis of Oca Data for cooked and roasted Oca.

Please send me any more relevant links for inclusion.


  1. This site is for commercial growers of Oca (aka yams) in New Zealand and includes a selection of recipes.

    1. Thanks for that one Susan. Some nice-sounding recipes there.
